Ampersand Technologies involved in kauri health survey
16th August 2023
Ampersand Technologies is proud to be contributing to this important piece of work and to be supporting efforts to address kauri dieback in partnership with Auckland Council, ngā iwi mana whenua o Te Ngāherehere o Kohukohunui (Ngāi Tai ki Tāmaki, Ngāti Tamaoho, Ngāti Te Ata, Ngāti Whanaunga and Ngāti Tamaterā), and the Department of Conservation.

Meet the team
Dr. Richard Winkworth
Founder and Managing Director
19th July 2023
First up in our Meet the Team series is our Founder and Managing Director Dr. Richard Winkworth. Richard is the academic mastermind behind the formation of Ampersand Technologies and its core scientific value proposition.

Massey University launches diagnostics company Ampersand Technologies
4th November 2021
Rapid diagnostic tests are revolutionising how the world manages disease outbreaks. At the forefront of these tests is Ampersand Technologies, a Massey University spin-out company launched in 2021 with co-investment from Massey Ventures and Matū.

Why New Zealand's kauri dieback disease might not be a new invader.
25 July 2021
A pathogen killing our iconic kauri has likely been quietly lurking in New Zealand for hundreds of years – a finding that's led some scientists to ponder new questions about precisely how humans have influenced the rapid rise of dieback disease.
(Article by Jamie Morton, NZ Herald)